1. Create a local folder and a text file using File Explorer:
    • Open File Explorer.
    • Right-click, choose “New,” and select “Folder.” Name it.
    • Inside the folder, right-click, choose “New” > “Text Document.” Name it and add content.
  2. Initialize Git in the folder:
    • Open Command Prompt in the folder.
    • Run:
      git init
  3. Add, commit, and push to GitHub:
    git add . 
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  4. Create a new repository on GitHub:
    • Go to GitHub.
    • Log in and click the “+” in the top right.
    • Select “New repository,” give it a name, and click “Create repository.”
  5. Link local and remote repositories:
    • Back in Command Prompt:
      git remote add origin <github_repository_url> git branch -M main

    Replace <github_repository_url> with the URL of your GitHub repository.

  6. Push changes to GitHub:
    git push -u origin main

This sequence creates a local folder, adds a file, initializes Git, creates a remote repository on GitHub, links them, and pushes changes. Adjust as needed.